Jews had it all with them except for the freedom to live freely. They were humble, clever and affectionate but nothing mattered for racists like Adolf Hitler. No living Jew will ever forget ‘The Holocaust’ during the regime of Hitler. For more than a decade from 1933-1945, Jews were massacred and statistics say more than 6,000,000 were murdered in which 1.5 million were children. They were not killed by some other country men during the time of war but they were brutally murdered by their own countrymen. It was Hitler’s deliberate attempt to annihilate the entire Jewish population not only from Germany but from whole of Europe.
After the World War I, Germany suffered a lot and was humiliated by the Versailles treaty and as a result, The German Empire was destroyed and a new parliamentary government called Weimar Republic was formed. The republic suffered from huge economic instability following the crash in New York stock market which forced Germany to face unemployment and poverty. On January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler leader of the National Socialist German Workers [Nazi] party won the crucial election held in 1932. Hitler sited the incidents after math World War I as a tactic to win the elections. Hitler started to accuse the Jews for German’s failure and used Der Sturmer a weekly Nazi newspaper to spread his ideas about Jews. This paper was the powerful tool of the Nazi’s propaganda against the Jewish community and it also carried funny caricatures of Jews. Soon Hitler turned out to be a real danger not only for the Jews but for the whole of Germany. The Nazis arrested several political leaders, banned their parties and went to the extent of murdering them. Everything started to change in Germany including basic individual rights like Freedom of speech which signalled the demise of German democracy.
Hitler hated the Jews for no convincing reasons. Nazis claimed that Jews were the ones who corrupted the German culture; they even portrayed Jews as evil and cowardly whereas Germans were considered hardworking, courageous and honest. Hitler noticed that everything in Germany was dominated by Jews which probably might have made him to think about Holocaust. He hated the Jews like anything because he felt that Jews might swallow the Aryan race with their clever thinking. Jews were slowly restricted from participating in social gatherings, their books were burnt, they were removed from professions and their properties were confisticated . Jews were not allowed to marry or have sex with Aryans. Each New Year saw harsh policies against the Jews. They were alienated by their own people was the worst of all. They sensed that they were not secured enough in their own country so many Jews decided to flee but unfortunately for them they had to wait for several months to get past few immigration rules in Europe. Many countries in 1932 decided not have any refugees in their countries and blamed the Nazis for creating problems unnecessarily. After several conferences, Europe eventually decided not to have any more of these immigration problems and hence decided to not allow any more Jewish migration from Germany. In the late 1930’s saw some of the worst disasters in World History. Hershel Grynszpan a 17 year old shot Ernst vom Rath a secretary in German Embassy in Paris, Nazis used this as an opportunity to loot and destroy several Jewish homes. As a result of this thousands of Jews were killed and more than 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and established ghettos- compulsory residential quarter for Jews, for the Jews of Poland. Having learnt that Jews are in majority in Poland, Hitler implicated a cruel plan that is to forcibly send the Jews from their homes to specially designed ghettos. The Ghettos lacked basic necessities like food, water, shelter and not even proper sanitary facilities. Many died mainly because of deprivation and starvation.
After the World War I, Germany suffered a lot and was humiliated by the Versailles treaty and as a result, The German Empire was destroyed and a new parliamentary government called Weimar Republic was formed. The republic suffered from huge economic instability following the crash in New York stock market which forced Germany to face unemployment and poverty. On January 30, 1933 Adolf Hitler leader of the National Socialist German Workers [Nazi] party won the crucial election held in 1932. Hitler sited the incidents after math World War I as a tactic to win the elections. Hitler started to accuse the Jews for German’s failure and used Der Sturmer a weekly Nazi newspaper to spread his ideas about Jews. This paper was the powerful tool of the Nazi’s propaganda against the Jewish community and it also carried funny caricatures of Jews. Soon Hitler turned out to be a real danger not only for the Jews but for the whole of Germany. The Nazis arrested several political leaders, banned their parties and went to the extent of murdering them. Everything started to change in Germany including basic individual rights like Freedom of speech which signalled the demise of German democracy.
Hitler hated the Jews for no convincing reasons. Nazis claimed that Jews were the ones who corrupted the German culture; they even portrayed Jews as evil and cowardly whereas Germans were considered hardworking, courageous and honest. Hitler noticed that everything in Germany was dominated by Jews which probably might have made him to think about Holocaust. He hated the Jews like anything because he felt that Jews might swallow the Aryan race with their clever thinking. Jews were slowly restricted from participating in social gatherings, their books were burnt, they were removed from professions and their properties were confisticated . Jews were not allowed to marry or have sex with Aryans. Each New Year saw harsh policies against the Jews. They were alienated by their own people was the worst of all. They sensed that they were not secured enough in their own country so many Jews decided to flee but unfortunately for them they had to wait for several months to get past few immigration rules in Europe. Many countries in 1932 decided not have any refugees in their countries and blamed the Nazis for creating problems unnecessarily. After several conferences, Europe eventually decided not to have any more of these immigration problems and hence decided to not allow any more Jewish migration from Germany. In the late 1930’s saw some of the worst disasters in World History. Hershel Grynszpan a 17 year old shot Ernst vom Rath a secretary in German Embassy in Paris, Nazis used this as an opportunity to loot and destroy several Jewish homes. As a result of this thousands of Jews were killed and more than 30,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps. Germany invaded Poland in 1939 and established ghettos- compulsory residential quarter for Jews, for the Jews of Poland. Having learnt that Jews are in majority in Poland, Hitler implicated a cruel plan that is to forcibly send the Jews from their homes to specially designed ghettos. The Ghettos lacked basic necessities like food, water, shelter and not even proper sanitary facilities. Many died mainly because of deprivation and starvation.
Final Solution
Several death camps were created to kill as many Jews as possible at the earliest. In the infamous Babi Yar massacre 30,000 to 35,000 Jews were killed in two days. Nazis established six Killing centres [Death camps] in Poland near railway lines so that Jews could be transported easily to these camps. All these camps were extremely brutal. The number of killings took place in these camps are still unknown. Hitler’s aim was not reduce the Jewish population in Germany alone but in other countries as well. In every country over run by Nazis, the Jews were forced to wear badges marking them as Jews; they were rounded up in ghettos or concentration camps and gradually transported to killing centres. Within a few hours of their arrival, the Jews had been stripped of their possessions and valuables and gassed to death. Later the bodies were burnt in specially designed crematoriums. Many healthy young Jews were not killed immediately. The German’s war effort and Final Solution required a great deal of man power so the Germans used them as slave labourers, Jews were not given proper food and rest even during their work and they had to work from dawn until dark. They literally worked to death by Germans. The Germans forced the starving and sick Jews to walk hundreds of miles, most died or shot along the way. Children from the Jewish camps were sent to experiments, Dr Josef Mengele was hugely responsible for this inhumane activities. Jews had to suffer all of these till 1945, when finally Nazis were defeated. After this horrible act [The Holocaust], Jewish population in Europe started to move to other countries. Now there are some Jewish communities spread all over the world continuing their silent lifestyle unable to digest their past disaster.
Several death camps were created to kill as many Jews as possible at the earliest. In the infamous Babi Yar massacre 30,000 to 35,000 Jews were killed in two days. Nazis established six Killing centres [Death camps] in Poland near railway lines so that Jews could be transported easily to these camps. All these camps were extremely brutal. The number of killings took place in these camps are still unknown. Hitler’s aim was not reduce the Jewish population in Germany alone but in other countries as well. In every country over run by Nazis, the Jews were forced to wear badges marking them as Jews; they were rounded up in ghettos or concentration camps and gradually transported to killing centres. Within a few hours of their arrival, the Jews had been stripped of their possessions and valuables and gassed to death. Later the bodies were burnt in specially designed crematoriums. Many healthy young Jews were not killed immediately. The German’s war effort and Final Solution required a great deal of man power so the Germans used them as slave labourers, Jews were not given proper food and rest even during their work and they had to work from dawn until dark. They literally worked to death by Germans. The Germans forced the starving and sick Jews to walk hundreds of miles, most died or shot along the way. Children from the Jewish camps were sent to experiments, Dr Josef Mengele was hugely responsible for this inhumane activities. Jews had to suffer all of these till 1945, when finally Nazis were defeated. After this horrible act [The Holocaust], Jewish population in Europe started to move to other countries. Now there are some Jewish communities spread all over the world continuing their silent lifestyle unable to digest their past disaster.
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