Tattooing is an beautiful art undoubtedly but many fail to witness ‘the’ real dangers involved in it. I thought tatoos belong to India but later only i realised the truth that tattooing has been practiced for centuries world wide. In India ,I have seen tattoos only on the hands of old people but now things look a little different though. Many youngsters are quite interested in getting inked. Everything is good until it brings us some problems, in that way tattoos too carry its share of dangerous side effects on us. People who have a tatoo are at a higer risk of getting Hepatitis C than those who have none. Many medical reports have emphasised the fact that tattoos are highly risk but many are quite reluctant to accept it. During the process of tattooing, the needle punctures the skin around 80 to 150 times so that colour pigments can be injected. Skin could get infected if the tattooing machine or tattoo gun is not properly sterilized, highly dangerous diseases like HIV could also affect a person if the equipment is contaminated. Reports, say that more young people are addicted to this because they feel this is the best possible way to communicate their feelings, emotions or whatever it is. Tattooing for many is a profession as you can see in reality programmes like ‘La Ink’, i still do not know why Katherine Von Dranchenberg (Kat Von D) is so proud of having so many tattoos on her which literally covers her whole body but i guess she has not realised the fact that programmes such as these can be always be a wrong influnce on others esp youngsters. There is nothing a tattoo can do for us is a plain truth, it is like a new pair of dress which gives us that initial excitement but later it just disappears but unfortunately a tattoo once worn cannot be removed as easily as you may think,infact removal of a tattoo is more a complicated business than applying it. Tattoo removal is somewhat successful but one should’nt forget the fact that it is still a costly affair. According to a study conducted in 2006, approximately 20 percent of people want their tattoos removed. So next time when you think of getting a tattoo better look at all the negative aspects involved in it.
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