I don’t show too much interest in the field of medicine because for obvious reasons, neither i can understand the terms nor the nuances involved in it, but recently i got some time to flip over the pages of a medical journal, in which i found something interesting and i wanted to share it with you guys. Gynaecology,hope you all are aware of the medical practice involed with female reproductive system. A woman being a gynaecologist is not a big deal but there are men who are equally interested to deal in this business, is something which makes people esp women to think twice. There are serious considerations whether men should be allowed to study this particular medicinal subject. In the article which i read mentioned more about the psychological aspects involved in it and it also mentions about the Gynecologist -patient relationship which is always extremely problematic irrespective of the gender of a gynecologist. ‘It is a well known fact that a great number of men have considerable psycological problems in relation to women and that the male psyche is naturally directed towards the female sex. According to Carl Jung, in men’s psychology there is the ‘anima archetype’- is the female within the male,which corresponds to the primal images of women,to the inner women who inhabit and energise male psycology’. M. Jacoby observes that ... “ she is the Eros....man’s anima manifest in the way he relates himself to women..”
A man need to understand and aquire a better knowledge of women to enter into the mysteries of female nature, this quite simply is the demand of the Anima archetype. Medicine can be one of the ways to achieve this aim. Medicinal practices grant a specifc power to the medical class and that is where omnipotence arises in many physicians and it is also possibe that many male gynecologists make use of the speciality ie the power to able to do that is desired. Having said this, the longing for omnipotence seems to have no relation to the physician’s gender, since it is found in both male and female doctors. The reasons that attract many doctors of female sex to gynecology are not clear though but possible reasons are, for better understanding , to explore more about ‘their’ own problems, but Jung claims about the interference of the Animus archetype [the male side of the female psyche] may also exert considerable influence. Apart from all these things the article also throws some light over obstetrics that a psychlogical need of male intereferance is needed during pregnancy and child birth. In the area of obstetrics, there is a psycho-social cutural factor that greatly influences both male and female doctors: it is deeply rooted and archiac view of women that they were mainly destined to have children. Male Gynecologists are professionals like lawyers and engineers and there is no doubt in that but many still doubt they are perverts and just look at this question a woman had asked, nothing wrong in it though.
I am not against doctors and medical care at all. But I believe that men have no business being gynecologists. It's just wrong. I also believe that nudity before the opposite sex should be reserved for spouse only.How can i allow men including doctors to see and access certain parts of my body that should only be reserved for my future husband. I am not against doctors or medical treatments at all. I feel like we have been brainwashed by the medical industry.
Ans: In order to preserve the dignity and privacy of female patients, it is standard procedure to give them garments and sheets that cover up anything not being examined at the moment. Women patients just do not lie naked on exam tables! Doctors go to great lengths to keep women from the intense discomfort of nakedness. In addition to that, any ethical male doctor will have a nurse in the room with him to protect both the patient and the doctor. They truly examine women's private parts without being distracted by an erotic component.God designed their brains in a way that allows them to compartmentalize, concentrating on only one thing at a time.It is their profession.
A man need to understand and aquire a better knowledge of women to enter into the mysteries of female nature, this quite simply is the demand of the Anima archetype. Medicine can be one of the ways to achieve this aim. Medicinal practices grant a specifc power to the medical class and that is where omnipotence arises in many physicians and it is also possibe that many male gynecologists make use of the speciality ie the power to able to do that is desired. Having said this, the longing for omnipotence seems to have no relation to the physician’s gender, since it is found in both male and female doctors. The reasons that attract many doctors of female sex to gynecology are not clear though but possible reasons are, for better understanding , to explore more about ‘their’ own problems, but Jung claims about the interference of the Animus archetype [the male side of the female psyche] may also exert considerable influence. Apart from all these things the article also throws some light over obstetrics that a psychlogical need of male intereferance is needed during pregnancy and child birth. In the area of obstetrics, there is a psycho-social cutural factor that greatly influences both male and female doctors: it is deeply rooted and archiac view of women that they were mainly destined to have children. Male Gynecologists are professionals like lawyers and engineers and there is no doubt in that but many still doubt they are perverts and just look at this question a woman had asked, nothing wrong in it though.
I am not against doctors and medical care at all. But I believe that men have no business being gynecologists. It's just wrong. I also believe that nudity before the opposite sex should be reserved for spouse only.How can i allow men including doctors to see and access certain parts of my body that should only be reserved for my future husband. I am not against doctors or medical treatments at all. I feel like we have been brainwashed by the medical industry.
Ans: In order to preserve the dignity and privacy of female patients, it is standard procedure to give them garments and sheets that cover up anything not being examined at the moment. Women patients just do not lie naked on exam tables! Doctors go to great lengths to keep women from the intense discomfort of nakedness. In addition to that, any ethical male doctor will have a nurse in the room with him to protect both the patient and the doctor. They truly examine women's private parts without being distracted by an erotic component.God designed their brains in a way that allows them to compartmentalize, concentrating on only one thing at a time.It is their profession.
Having said all these one has every right to choose their doctor and it is their freedom and nobody can force them but still the person who wrote this article who himself a gynecologist does’nt completely ignore the claims of the patients that male gynecologists are perverts.
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